Tax Planning

What Is Tax Planning
Tax planning refers to our review of your tax return to identify potential planning opportunities - both now and in the future - to keep your lifetime tax liability as low as possible.
This is different than tax preparation (usually done by your CPA or an online service like TurboTax), which is focused on keeping you compliant with what the government thinks you owe each year.
Why Tax Planning Is Important
Taxes touch every part of your financial life. Your tax return is a financial fingerprint: it's completely unique to you, complete with valuable clues and information, all of which is buried in dozens of pages and hundreds of numbers.
Understanding your return equips us to have more valuable and actionable conversations with you. Additionally, we can demystify the world of income taxes and help you understand this important piece of your financial picture.
*Collabria Capital, Inc. does not provide tax or legal advice. Each taxpayer should seek independent advice from a tax professional based on his or her individual circumstances. Please refer to our Disclosures.

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